
7 Jun 2017

Biltong Recipe:

• Use 2kg of B-grade beef (or game): sirloin, top-side or silverside, cut by your butcher into max 30cm long x 4cm wide x 1.5cm thick strips. You should remove the sinews and the excess fat (leaving some).
• 25ml of salt.
• Half a cup of brown sugar.
• Two tablespoons of coarsely-ground pepper
• Half a cup of coarsely-ground coriander (saving 1/3 for later)
• 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda. In Germany, this is called Natron (available at your supermarket)
• 1 cup of vinegar (white/red/apple etc, but not sweet balsamico) or 80% Vinegar, 20% Worcester Sauce. Note that whilst the vinegar complements the taste, it's chief role is as a mold-inhibitor!
• Optional: Chili flakes

• Coat the meat strips in the vinegar and leave to soak for 30 min.
• Mix the dry spices together.
• Drain the vinegar, saving it for later.
• Pat the meat dry with a cloth.
• In a dish, rub the spices thoroughly into the meat.
• Layer the meat, cover the dish in cling wrap and refrigerate for three hours. Osmosis: will infuse the meat, but will leach about 1/3 of the meat's water content.
• Assemble the Biltong King out of the reach of pets/kids, but near a plug: place the base, then fit the four sides loosely, then add the drying bars.
• Remove the meat from the fridge, pour off the leached juices.
• Mix the remaining vinegar with the warm water. Rinse the meat briefly in this mix and drip-dry over the sink.
• Coat the meat in the remaining coriander seeds (and, optionally, a couple of chili flakes)
• Insert hooks and hang the meat - not more than 9 strips! - to dry. The remaining strips should be frozen.
• Carefully fit the lid over and connect to the wall socket. The fan ventilates to ensure air flow during the drying process.
• Optional: by using the light bulb [emoji362], the air is warmed to further accelerate the drying process. Depending on the thickness of the meat, your biltong will be ready in 24-30 hours!
• Storage: always store biltong in paper - not plastic - bags in the fridge, for up to a week. (For longer, freeze)

Lekker man!

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