Wölfe weltweit


Gelöschtes Mitglied 8583

Bericht: Uttar Pradesh - 21 injured in suspected Wolf Attack

As many as 21 villagers were injured in a possible wolf attack in Dhaurahra area of Lakhimpur Kheri district on Sunday night. The attacks took place in a span of a couple of hours after sunset. All the victims belonged to eight villages adjacent to the buffer zone of Dudhwa Tiger reserve. All are located within a 16 km radius compromising some 20 villages.

Quelle: Times of India.

Gelöschtes Mitglied 8583

Gelten die Niederlande auch als "Weltweit"?

Dutch sheep farmers are worried that a sharp rise in wolf attacks may force them to install expensive electric fencing to protect their flocks.
In the first half of this year wolves killed 138 sheep in the Netherlands, but the total for 2017 was less than 20, a wolf expert told the BBC.
It is a new problem for the Dutch - March 2015 was the first time for 150 years that a wolf had been confirmed roaming in the Netherlands.

Quelle: BBC.

Gelöschtes Mitglied 8583

Bericht: Himalayan Wolf Attack.

A 12-year-old male sustained multiple lacerations on his face and hands leading to extensive bleeding after a predatory wolf attack at high altitude. Tachycardia with feeble pulse, tachypnea, and mild hypothermia were present. The child was managed through resuscitation, rewarming, tetanus, rabies, and antimicrobial prophylaxis, and transferred to tertiary care. Wounds were not sutured.

Quelle: Himalayan Wolf Attack.

Gelöschtes Mitglied 8583

Bericht: In India, Attacks by Wolves Spark Old Fears and Hatreds

When the man-eating wolf came to this tranquil village toward dusk on an evening in mid-August, it was every child's worst nightmare come true.

The wolf pounced while Urmila Devi and three of her eight children were in a grassy clearing at the edge of the village, using the open ground for a toilet. The animal, about 100 pounds of coiled sinew and muscle, seized the smallest child, a 4-year-old boy named Anand Kumar, and carried him by the neck into the luxuriant stands of corn and elephant grass that stretch to a nearby riverbank.

When a police search party found the boy three days later, half a mile away, all that remained was his head. From the claw and tooth marks, pathologists confirmed he had been killed by a wolf -- probably one of a pack that conservationists believe has been roaming this area, driven to killing small children by hunger or by something else that has upset the natural instinct of wolves to avoid humans, like thrill-seeking villagers stealing cubs from a lair.

It has been more than a century since India faced the threat of man-eating wolves on anything like the scale now terrorizing this region of Uttar Pradesh state. Since the first killing five months ago, 33 children have been carried off and killed by wolves, according to police figures; 20 others have been seriously mauled along this stretch of the Ganges River basin, 350 miles from New Delhi. A hunt by thousands of villagers and police officers has killed only 10 wolves so far.

Quelle: New York Times.

Gelöschtes Mitglied 8583

UTTAR PRADESH, India -- What happened to 10-year-old Manwati sounds like a nightmare.

But the small child has the scars to prove a vicious wolf really did snatch her from her bed and attempt to eat her.

A man says he heard Manwati cry out and hurried to see what was causing the alarm. What he saw was the shadow of a creature dropping the girl and disappearing in the night.

Manwati's mother gives thanks to God for saving her child, but in the next village another mother is grieving.

This woman's 5-year-old daughter was sleeping next to her in bed when she was taken by a wolf and devoured. In a nearby field, a few small bones and a bloody nightdress were all that remained.

Quelle: CNN.

Gelöschtes Mitglied 25014

Steht doch da- gleich im ersten verlinkten Artikel und im zweiten Beitrag nochmal.

Ja, habe ich gelesen. Da das aber 4 Jahre her ist, hätte mich interessiert ob das Ergebnis nachhaltig ist.
Entsprechende Munition gibt es ja auch als nicht letale "Schrotpatrone".
Darüber hinaus wäre bei entsprechender Farbe eine Probemwolf zumindest eine zeitlang identifizierbar.

Rassenschande! Berichte aus Russland in einem arischen Forum!

Was immer man dir verschrieben hat. Es wirkt nicht.
14 Feb 2006
Ja, habe ich gelesen. Da das aber 4 Jahre her ist, hätte mich interessiert ob das Ergebnis nachhaltig ist.
Entsprechende Munition gibt es ja auch als nicht letale "Schrotpatrone".
Darüber hinaus wäre bei entsprechender Farbe eine Probemwolf zumindest eine zeitlang identifizierbar.

Informier Dich mal wie Leute aussehen die mit Gummischrot auf nahe Entfernung beschossen wurden. Nachhaltig ist es unter Umständen wenn Rüden spitz von hinten beschossen werden. Könnte die Vermehrungquote beeinträchtigen.
Ab 30 m ist schon wieder Schluss.

Gelöschtes Mitglied 25014

Informier Dich mal wie Leute aussehen die mit Gummischrot auf nahe Entfernung beschossen wurden. Nachhaltig ist es unter Umständen wenn Rüden spitz von hinten beschossen werden. Könnte die Vermehrungquote beeinträchtigen.
Ab 30 m ist schon wieder Schluss.

Ich habe auch nicht von Gummischrot gesprochen. Nahe Entfernung wäre trotzdem relativ.

Gelöschtes Mitglied 8583

(CNN)A New Jersey family was fast asleep in their tent on a camping trip when the unthinkable happened: They were attacked by a wolf.
"It was like something out of a horror movie," mother Elisa Rispoli recounted on Facebook.
The family was in Banff National Park in Alberta when the incident occurred about 1 a.m. Friday, according to a report by the federal agency Parks Canada. Elisa wrote that her husband, Matthew, threw himself in front of her and their two boys while the wolf tore through the tent and clamped onto Matthew's arms.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to properly describe the terror," she wrote.
The incident felt like an eternity, Elisa said, but could've been only a few minutes.
The wolf was starting to drag Matthew away when a neighboring camper, Russ Fee, heard the family's screams and jumped in to help.
"The screams were so intense that I knew it was obviously a terrible situation," Fee told CNN affiliate CBC. "So I just kind of kept running at [the wolf], and I just kicked it sort of in the back hip area."

Quelle: CNN
10 Aug 2017
Zwar im bösen Boulevardblatt, aber interessant und vielleicht fängt es damit an, dass sich die öffentliche Darstellung des Wolfes etwas mehr der Realität nähert.

Gelöschtes Mitglied 14751

Zwar im bösen Boulevardblatt, aber interessant und vielleicht fängt es damit an, dass sich die öffentliche Darstellung des Wolfes etwas mehr der Realität nähert.
Politik und der Rest der deutschen Medien schätzen doch die BxxD als Vehikel, um unangenehme Wahrheiten, die niemand sagen mag, in den Verkehr zu bringen.


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